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TrustFord Awards For Excellence

Here at Fire Safe Services Ltd we have a close working relationship with TrustFord, providing all their sites with fire alarm and emergency lighting maintenance, a contract we have proudly had in place for over 8 years.

We have also been sponsors of the TrustFord Awards for Excellence for a number of years, with 2016 being no exception. This year’s event takes place on Friday 22nd April in Stratford Upon Avon and is a fantastic opportunity for us to celebrate and join together with other partners and suppliers within the TrustFord business.

The awards generally focus on individuals within the TrustFord group who have delivered an innovative project or action that has had a significant positive impact across the business that year. According to the event website “There are 22 categories, each recognising a key part of the exceptional work that goes on at TrustFord and TrustFirstParts every day… Each passing year the businesses we work with show ever-increasing appreciation of the role of innovation across their businesses and TrustFord’s Awards for Excellence are a shining example of how motor retailers can reward this hard work”

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