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Welcome to new apprentice Emily

Fire Safe Services is delighted to welcome new Apprentice Fire and Security Engineer Emily to the team.  Emily began her 3 year apprenticeship with us last month and is settling in really well.

Emily says “I am really enjoying the work and being out on site with clients.  Everyone is helpful and supportive, and I’m excited about being part of the Fire Safe Services’ team.”

Matt Hardy, Fire Safe’s Technical Compliance Manager adds:  “Emily has so much enthusiasm and works really hard.  She is learning lots and already showing a great aptitude.”

Emily’s apprenticeship provider is Skills for Security who have also provided Fire Safe’s other apprentice Tim Efiong, who has been working with Fire Safe Services for the last 12 months and is also doing very well.

Matt Hardy adds: “We are passionate in doing our part in training a new generation of young engineers to ensure the fire and security sector thrives in the future.”



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